
楼主 # 2022-07-31 08:50:16

注册时间: 2018-04-10
已发帖子: 61
积分: 1



Pure C library, no dynamic memory allocation
text, images, buttons, checkboxes, radio buttons, sliders, custom keypads, listbox, radial controls, scrolling textbox / terminal, graphs, etc. plus extensions and multiple pages.
Cross-platform GUIslice Builder application to generate layouts
Platform-independent GUI core currently supports:
Adafruit-GFX, TFT_eSPI, mcufriend, UTFT, LCDGFX, SDL1.2, SDL2.0
Raspberry Pi, Arduino, ATmega2560, ESP8266 / NodeMCU, ESP32, M5stack, Teensy 3 / T4, WIO Terminal, Feather M0 (Cortex-M0), nRF52 (Cortex-M4F), LINUX, Beaglebone Black, STM32, Due, etc.
Typical displays:
PiTFT, Adafruit TFT 3.5" / 2.8" / 2.4" / 2.2" / 1.44", FeatherWing TFT, OLED 0.96", mcufriend, BuyDisplay / EastRising 4.3" 5" 7", Waveshare, 4D Cape
Display drivers include:
ILI9341, ST7735, SSD1306, HX8347D, HX8357, PCD8544, RA8875, RA8876, ILI9225, ILI9341_t3, ILI9341_due
Touchscreen control including:
STMPE610, FT6206, FT5206, XPT2046, 4-wire, tslib, URTouch, Adafruit Seesaw
IDE Support:
GUIslice has been tested for use in the Arduino IDE and Platform IO environments, in addition to LINUX make
Foreign characters / UTF-8 encoding (in SDL mode), anti-aliased fonts (in TFT_eSPI mode)
Dynamic display rotation
GPIO / pin / keyboard / Adafruit Seesaw navigation for non-touchscreen devices



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